Orindaben - Use the process below to join us at the time of the full moon of Wesak “The need of the world is so great, and the present circumstances so critical, that many spiritually minded people are thinking to ask for divine intervention. There are spiritual Forces and great spiritual Intelligences and Lives, that are aware of what is going on upon our planet, and can be called upon for their guiding wisdom and that loving stimulation which will guide humanity from darkness into light, from separation into unity.“ ”€Alice A. Bailey Who are these great Lives, also called the Great Ones? They are the Beings of Light who include the Masters and Enlightened Ones, as well as those who are even more evolved. Although they never interfere with free will, they can be called upon to assist humanity to evolve, to live as souls, and to assist humanity in lifting some of the conditions present. They cannot help until their help is requested by a group, for the energy they send is so powerful it must be received by a large group of people, who will then be able to make changes in their own lives and become transmitters of this energy to others. The Great Ones work through those who call upon them and can hear and respond to the energies they are transmitting. They respond only to group need and lend their assistance when called upon by enough sincere people. They are in touch with the highest forces of light, and can work from these high levels to help humanity create powerful changes. Join with us and all light servers to call upon the Great Ones during this special time of the Wesak Festival of Light. Take these steps: Relax your body, calm your emotions, and clear your mind. Let yourself grow more peaceful. Call your soul to you and imagine blending with it. It does not matter if you can see or sense your soul in any way for it to be present and working with you. Imagine that with your inner eyes, you can sense or see the souls of everyone who is joining together for this meditation. Join in the magnetic call that is going out to the souls of all light servers, inviting them to be a part of this call to the Great Ones to release energies that will help humanity. Sense more and more lightworkers joining this group. Greet these souls with love, and picture the beautiful light and field of magnetic love that all of you are creating together. Picture being joined by many Masters and Beings of Light as you call upon the Great Ones. The group light is now composed of lightworkers, and of those evolved souls who are ahead on the path, both those in a physical body and those who are helping from the other side, including the Masters and Enlightened Ones. Everyone has a sincere, focused intent of working together as a group to receive and transmit powerful spiritual energies to humanity. Right at the time of the full moon, imagine that Buddha descends from a high place for a few minutes, joined by the World Teacher of Love. They transmit two streams of spiritual energy - light and love - to the Masters, who then transmit it to all light servers who are present as souls. This is the energy that is needed for the evolution of humanity. Receive this energy into your head center and into your heart center. Feel yourself surrounded by light and love. This new level of light and love comes first into your soul, and then into your personality. Finish by sounding an “om.“ Imagine joining thousands around the world to send the energy you have received to: Your friends and family To all those who are responsive to your transmission To all lightworkers on the planet To all of humanity To plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms Have no attachment to any results, for there may be none you can measure. You have just made a valuable and important contribution to all life. You can visit the Lucis Trust website at www.lucistrust.com to read more about the Wesak Festival. Worldwide Clock To join in the Wesak Meditation, follow the process on the Wesak Meditations. If you would like more information about Wesak, visit the Legend of Wesak. Orin and DaBen, and Sanaya and Duane, invite you to join us and lightworkers around the world to celebrate the Festival of Wesak. A Festival of Light during the full moon in May 17, 2011 at 11:10 am GMT. The rhythm of the full moon is used to schedule these meditations as it marks the time each month when the impact of the divine energies of Light, Love and Power are at their peak and can be registered by a group and radiated into human consciousness. Note: We meditate when the Sun is in Taurus for the Festival of Light for Wesak during the time of the full moon. The next Festival of Light will be in the Taurus full moon - May 17, 2011 at 11:10 am GMT). Visit the worldclock for information on your time zone. Spiritual energies are at a peak during the full moon, because at that time the moon is out of the way of the sun. The moon itself has no light (it can only reflect light) whereas the sun is a star and it is also reflecting the light of the Spiritual Sun--that disk of golden light that is the highest spiritual light. Most times, our moon stands between the light of the sun, stars and constellations, and us, shielding the earth from their light. During the time of the full moon, when the moon is completely out of the way of the Sun, we can receive energy directly from the Spiritual Sun, and from the stars and constellations that radiate very high spiritual energy. The full moon is the mark of the time of highest spiritual energies available. During this special time of Wesak, it is as if a door is suddenly opened wide, which at other times is more closed. Through this door, it is possible to contact energies which are otherwise not easily available. Great expansions of consciousness become possible which are not possible at other times. People, such as yourself, who are on a spiritual path, can find great aid and spiritual stimulation at this time to take great steps forward. It is said that Buddha descends from His high place during the full moon in the month of May to bestow spiritual blessings on the world. He joins with the World Teacher of Love, and together they transmit two spiritual streams of energy”€œDivine Love and Divine Light. Buddha’s task in returning for this brief time of the Wesak Festival is to remind us of the possibility of illumination, keeping a channel open for light to illuminate the minds of humanity. At this time of Wesak, contact can be made with greater Lives, called the “Great Ones,“ Who are to the Masters what the Masters are to humanity. Part of the purpose of Buddha’s appearance is to embody the force which can stimulate people everywhere to come together as a group, with a focused intent, and thus reach symbolically “the ear and the heart“ of the Great Ones. A mobilizing of the Forces of Light is going on upon the inner side of life. These Forces stand ready to help humanity, but the word for action must come from the World Teacher of Love, who will give that word when humanity gives it to Him. We are the determiners of our own destiny. Neither the World Teacher of Love, or any of the masters may at this stage in human evolution take any step affecting humanity unless called to this activity by humanity itself. This can only happen when enough people come together, with a collective intent to work for the good of humanity, send out a powerful, focused call to evoke the help of the Great Ones. The participation and the light of each and every one of you is greatly needed at this time when the door is more open to call upon help from the Great Ones. You can make a difference in helping to transform the ancient energies that are creating the crisis of separative, unevolved thinking. You can contribute your light to the power of the group light that will call forth the help from the Great Ones, help that can dissipate with light and love the darkness of the energies of hatred, ignorance, and greed. Humanity can stand in the light of illumination, functioning as loving souls, working for the good of the whole and joining in the oneness of all life. We have the power to bring this about by our group work and inner connections. As we link together as souls, join with the Masters and Enlightened Ones, and evoke the help of the Great Ones, we can make a difference. We can send out a strong enough, united group call that will cause the Great Ones to release the energies that are needed to bring to earth phenomenal events that in due and proper time that will transform current world situations. Together we can strengthen the power of light and work with the Masters and Great Ones to bring more love, unity, tolerance, inclusiveness, and illumination into ourselves, and into humanity. To join in this meditation, follow the process on the Wesak Meditations to call upon the Great Ones during the Full Moon time. Receive the potent spiritual energy of light that is coming from Buddha, and love that is coming from the World Teacher of Love. Send out this light and love to humanity. Picture light and illumination coming into the minds of humanity, love coming into the hearts of humanity, and the individual will of each person being linked with Divine Will. If you have Orin’s course Transforming with Divine Will, we invite you to prepare by listening to the 3rd journey”€œThe Will to Initiate. General Information about all Three Spring Festivals: The Wesak Festival of Light is the second of the Three Spring Festivals (the Fall Festivals for those of you in the Southern hemisphere) which are celebrated during the Full Moon. The purpose of these Festivals, which are celebrated worldwide, is to come together as a group to invoke spiritual energy and to receive the inflow of energy that we have called to us. Together we can create a unified field of thought that can telepathically reach the Great Ones, those spiritual beings who are sensitive to and responsive to this call. Their response is sent out as spiritual energy first to those who are awakened, and through these people this energy will eventually reach the minds of humanity, carrying inspiration and revelation that will lead to the needed spiritual unfoldment. The rhythm of the full moon is used to schedule these meditations as it marks the time each month when the impact of the divine energies of Light, Love, and Power are at their peak and can be registered by a group and radiated into human consciousness. Millions will be meditating during this time, creating a wonderful group energy that we will join, adding our light and love to this group energy.The remaining full moons constitute lesser festivals but are also of great importance. More information on the Three Major (Spring) Festivals and other full moon times and information can be obtained from Lucis Trust, 120 Wall Street, 24th Floor, Suite 54, New York NY 10005, USA Tel: 1 (212) 292-0707, or by visiting their website at http://www.lucistrust.org. Some of the above information about the Wesak Festival is adapted from the writings of Alice A. Bailey, published by Lucis Trust Foundation. /orindaben.com